Wednesday, June 15, 2016

21 Proven Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea originated from China, but it's production has spread into world wide. Green tea is the healthiest beverage on the planet. Loaded with antioxidant and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body.

benefits of gren tea
Image by Google

Here some proven benefits from green tea that can made you amazed.

  1. Fights cancer
  2. Lower cholesterol
  3. Speed metabolism
  4. Antiviral agent
  5. Reduces plaque and bacteria in mouth
  6. Prevent cavities
  7. Gives healthy skin
  8. Detoxifies
  9. Strengthen tooth enamel
  10. Maintains a healthy circulatory system
  11. Prevent diabetes
  12. Protect against heart disease
  13. Full of antioxidant
  14. Prevent bad breath
  15. Prevent food poisoning
  16. Prevent dementia
  17. Lowering your risk of Alzheimer's and     
  18. Parkinson
  19. Fat burning and improves physical perform
  20. Can improve brain function and make you smarter.
  21. Reduce risk of cardiovascular disease
  22. Help you live longer

Grab your green tea now!!